J&K Peaceful; Won’t Allow To Harm It

Kashmir Magazine

Bhartiya JanataParty (BJP) National General Secretary and In-Charge Kashmir Affairs, Tarun Chugh believes that with the abrogation of Article 370 & 35(A) the dynastic rule of Abdullah’s, Mfuti’s and Gandhi’s ha come to an end and forthwith there is no space to hoodwink common masses on hollow slogans in J&K. He said thegovernment won’t allow anybody to hurt the peaceful atmosphere in J&K. Here are the excerpts of an interview that Chug gave exclusively to The Kashmir Magazine.

The Kashmir Magazine: How New Delhi is seeing J&K currently?

Tarun Chugh: Centre is taking every possible measure to bring peace, prosperity and development in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. Post August 2019 several steps have been taken for the welfare of J&K and its people. Numerous centrally sponsored schemes and laws have been implemented in J&K to bring the UT to newer heights and empower the local population.

TKM: But theground situation belies your claims. People seem dissatisfied with yourefforts.

TC: No. You are miscalculated. The people ofJ&K have reposed their faith in PM Narendra Modi and hope only BJP has apotential to take bold steps in favor of J&K. Earlier it was said if Article 370 is tinkered with, people will come out on roads but all proved hoaxes. People supported the move wholeheartedly. They are enjoying the benefits of abrogation of Article 370 and 35(A) which were the basic impediment in the welfare of J&K and its people.

TKM: There is no let up in militancy related incidents in J&K. Do you feel annulment of Article 370 failed to end militancy in J&K?

TC: New Delhi has ensured a terror-free atmosphere in J & K; however three families who ruined the life of common people in their regimes are trying to fuel uncertainties for their political gains. Abdullah’s, Mufti’s and Gandhi’s want to take Kashmiri’s back to 1990 but I want to clear that BJP would not allow these dynastic parties to bring violence back in Kashmir. Those days have gone.

TKM: Why do you often blame NC, PDP & Congress for misappropriations?

TC: These three dynastic political parties have made J&K an industry of loot and have put obstacles in the process of development and peace. For the last seven decades they plundered each and every resource of UT. In addition they placed AK-47, stones and grenades in the hands of youngsters who had a quest of educational pursuit. These political parties made J&K famous as the terrorism capital but BJP stepped up and nailed their interest with the support of common people.

TKM: Can you figure out any major development that happened after August 5, 2019?

TC: BJP made J&K “tourist capital” from “terrorism capital”. Millions of tourists visited Kashmir in 2022 and currently thousands of visitors come and go on a daily basis. The Vikas (development) has accelerated in all spheres in J&K. But in the past Abdullah’s, Mufti’s and Gandhi’s had established a tradition here to come in power through proxy votes, resulting which the common people had lost confidence in democracy. However with the abrogationof Article 370 and 35(A) the proxy culture of traditional parties has come to an end and thus BJP paved way to democracy at grassroots level in J&K.

TKM: Why are elections not being conducted in J&K?

TC: I want to make it clear that the conduct of elections is not the domain of BJP. It is the Election Commission of India (ECI) who has to decide the schedule. However BJP being a major political party in J&K is ready even as of now. We are ready for elections and will get the majority of seats in all segments of J&K. People of J&K seek peace, development and employment but Abdullah’s, Mufti’s and Gandhi’s are leaving no stone unturned to deprive people of J&K from basic rights and privileges. BJP won’t allow these vested interested people to ruin the lives of common people of J&K forthwith. 

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